We like to keep it simple.
When it comes to tasting coffee we always enjoy trying the same coffee brewed with different methods. With or without pressure and not overloaded with milk. That is why you will always find several beans on our menu that we will brew for you as an espresso (with or without milk) or as a hand brew. We highly recommend trying both brew methods to get the full experience.
Coffee is a seasonal product, which means you will find a variety of coffees from many different origins and producers on our weekly menu. We have two contrasting coffees available for you to make sure you can enjoy the full diversity that this wonderful product has to offer. In the end, we are simply the last part of a chain that starts with the hard-working farmers, producers, and roasters. We are here to highlight their skills and dedication and bring a truly beautiful, high-quality natural product into your cup. We aim to be transparent about the coffees we are brewing, and are happy to chat about every cup we brew.
We hope you enjoy.